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yeah the story is great so far for me also i enjoy the little laughs here and there aswell lol. A ghost, a demon, an angel, and an exocist walks into a supermart lol, now u just have to add in a karen and a kevin and then its a real showdown lol. keep up tehe great work cant wait for the next update.

Thanks for the comment, and we're glad you're enjoying the story so far.

Y'all are awesome for including a feature to skip the loooong part of the story that doesn't change between routes, I'm really enjoying the story so far!

Also Toast is fucking hot and precious, God damn.

I need some Toast for breakfast 🍞😍

Put some butter and jam on that toast too, and we're glad you liked that function.

I would, but I'm out of strawberry... Gotta remember to go to the store and get some!

lovely but i got a question when is this man going to get his horns back and him magic too its just a question

That's a good question. Let's wait and see. :D


Does the demon lord have an actual name?


The Demon Lord's name is Kobu.

Kobu has any meaning?

The name Kobu, hmmm, honestly, I picked it caused it sounded cool-Libra


Definitely enjoyed this more on Android than on PC. It's always enjoyable reading VNs on the bed.^^ <3

Even though Toast is by far my fav, Lucien and Morris are quite interesting. I wouldn't mind reading all of the routes. Heck, if I got all of Shleter VN's endings, I can do these three routes! ;D


Ayy, appreciate the time you spend reading them, and yes we do encourage everyone to try all the routes for the full experience.

i am snagging a free version for Android.

YeEeY, ive wanted to check this out for --... 

apologies, i tend to vet things b4 using my meger funds.

i will mention that from what ive seen over the years, it wont take diamond encrusted platinum to Thrill me:D

Thanks for trying the game!


~~~ *bleping furiously

it was Good~


Are you real


um, No(?)

*hypnotic arm&hand motions

~im~ ~not~ #eyeroll

Please don't forget to return Toast's pride and joy! o_o We both need it!

Maybe...just maybe



Thank you for your effort, i really love this game. Maybe the best VN i've ever played. Love the desire and the idea that you made and i hope you will continue to grow and get more fame, this game is too underrated


Thank you for the comment. We really appreciate the support, and we always encourage players to leave us a rating on itchio, it does help the game get more traction. Thanks again for trying the story!

Eu queria saber  qua e a atualização mais recente no patreon 🦁❤️

Atualmente, o Patreon é o mesmo que o lançamento público, ambos estão na versão 0.9.

Esta frase foi traduzida usando o Google translate

(2 edits)

Why is King just a silhouette

thats odd. Where is King a silhouette?

(1 edit)

Ever since he first appears, just a black silhouette for me. In addition to some characters having no color


What version of the game are you playing? That sounds like the old version.

version 0.4, I just clicked on the first download button I see

Ah that is very unusual I could have sworn we removed that version, the current version of the game is 0.9. Can you try to download the new version?

(3 edits) (+1)

Hi, i really like the vn! All the characters are great, especially the route characters. Toast is obviously a great himbo, and seeing lucien being a lil tsundere is really cute. There isnt as much morris as the other two just yet, so i cant wait to see more of him! My fave might be kobu, just cus him and his directionless life sometimes hit a little close to home haha. 
I also really like the all the animations in the game. The way the characters are almost always moving around, all the props that fly around the screen, the special effects it uses sometimes, i think it really makes the game stand out from other vns in general! 
One last thing, but it makes my happy to see a vn made by SEA people and seeing lil nods and reference to it. The little things like chicken rice, king calling his parents ah ma and ah pa, the loan shark warnings, the shophouses, the brand of bread??? im not even sure if that was intentional, but its a nice feeling to point at something and go "hey i know that!"
oops this was long!  But anyway that was all i had to say about this great visual novel, excited to see more updates :)

Aww thank you for the kind comment, it's nice to see there are people who enjoy the work we put in and yes the SEA references

will this have an official chinese language in future update?

That would require further discussion but for now we direct players to

To try the Chinese translation they have implemented.



Deleted post

Hi Yabo, thanks for the comment. Hmm, the game will be strictly SFW, that said we are exploring additional content for our Patreon to help keep the project going.

Deleted post

Is there going to be a android version

(1 edit) (+5)

Hi Someone, thanks for the question. Currently, we are working on some changes that hopefully will allow us to make the android version. It might take a while, until then we encourage anyone to try the other PC, Mac or Linux versions.

Hey uh

I keep getting halted at the point with the confrontation between Lucian and Gin

It keeps giving me an error and I can't get past it no matter what I do

"ShaderError: Precision of uniform 'u_model_size' differ between VERTEXT and FRAGMENT shaders"

I don't exactly know what the error means and/or how to fix it so..

just gunna report what's goin on :P

Thanks for letting us know, we'll take a look see and get back to you on that.

Hi there Rizadon, we are having issues replicating the error that was experienced, can you send a screenshot of the issue for us to know what shader was having issues.

*The Blue blots are just for privacy purposes

I don't think they're that necessary though but just keeping my irl name off the internet lol

Hello Rizadon, we regret to inform you that we are still having difficulties recreating the error that is experienced. 

We are still working on the issue, but will require more players to report  the same issue. For now we can recommend:

1. Trying a New Game file as the game when it is updated sometimes it may cause old save files to bug out when we move sprites and such.

2. Wait for the next public update and see if the problem persists. If it does we would recommend trying the New Game file once more then let us know if it did or did not work. 


Are there romance routes? I quite like the hyena and the boar.

Well what happens to the characters in the story, we'll have to wait and see. 

Deleted 2 years ago

Step away from the computer and look again in 24 hours.



Had this game in my to-play list for a while, can't wait for the Android version! Looks really nice


Thanks for the follow! A "to-play" list is a great idea, but I already have so many collections... *sigh*

Can you tell me the reason for the follow? I'd like to know, if I could improve something on my profile.

( should finally allow private DMs/PMs. This is such a hassle.)

(1 edit) (+2)

Thanks Nollel, we will let everyone know when we have an Android version

Awesome! Looking forward to it =)

Okay, so, I know it's been decided already, but... I reaaally hate Vendrake. Like really hate him.

i got a pc emulator for android, my question is, will it work?

You may try but we have no experience with anyone doing that before

(1 edit) (+2)

I don't care what anyone says, Fortis and Toast will always have my heart.
Fight me.


The big boys fan club.

(1 edit)

Hey, I love the game and especially the interactions that Lucian has with the protagonist.

But I have a doubt, at one point in the game when you find the door to hell, I think it is mentioned that it is decorated with human bones, is it a mistake or do humans exist in this universe? or am I remembering wrong?


Hiya Supleten, thanks for the question. Humans aren't mentioned in the script, but generally when the game refers to people they are referring to the anthro characters in the world.  0.7 did introduce that there are animals in the world. So think furries can have pets too.


This VN is awesome. Toast is my favorite character, he's such a cute himbo. I just wish we could hug him tho, he deserves it. 


He is the ghost with the most!

is android planned?


Android is in the talks. We are awaiting the right moment to create.

Discord link doesnt work anymore

oh thanks for letting us know, we'll update the link.

Morris is so cute omg. I cant

this vn is so good i love it 🥰

Thanks! Glad you liked it so far. Hope you'll see what comes next.

Are there only three routes? Will there be a Fortis' Route in the future


Thanks for the message, for now it's just the three routes, but there will be Fortis content of course.


Do for android.


Doing the planning for android.


absolutely brilliant game!
im really into this story and looking forward to the next update (:

Thank you Moth, glad you liked the story so far. Hang on for the next public update this month.

(1 edit) (+1)

HELLP! Snap me out from the fact that the game still in development!






I can say that this is the first VN SFW that I found. Is this romance VN? I'm not sure, but I love the plot!

Then, first come, first serve. I choose the angel. However, it's hard for me to choose others after I got "to be continued" in his route...


Thanks for the comment, we totally recommend saving at the point where you pick the routes, and we hope you'll be around to see the upcoming updates.

I'm gonna be honest I thought the story was finished so when I saw the words "to be continued" on the screen I actually cried. I was having so much fun and the story was so good! My only problem is that the villian is way too... villainous if that makes sense. After the prologue he loses depth and just becomes a basic cartoonish evil guy. But other than that I have no problems with the game. Just wondering though, when will the next update be released?


Thank you so much for playing the game, and it sounds like you had a good time. The game story is still in development, we hope to show the characters off more with subsequent updates, stay tuned!! The next public update is around the end of August 2022 for version 0.6

1 year?! i watched this vn since the beginning--- how is it one year already?


is this 18+??

WTDL is not 18+

Are you going to make a version for android

Hi Banana at the moment any other version of the game is still in discussion. Thank you for your interest.


When you finish the game, have you thought about putting it in Spanish

Currently, there are no formal plans for any translations. At most there are fan translation of the game in Chinese currently, but at the end when the game is done, we may plan for translating the project into other languages

Hello, just to tell that sometimes King's clothes change from normal clothes to work clothes when he's in his apartment

Oh thank you for notifying us, we'll review the scene and see if this is a problem.


I would humbly sacrifice everything for Amare. I love that beautiful, adorable cat man. He may have my heart, even though I know he'd probably prefer the biological organ. 

Lucian's nice too though. Favorite probably of those who are likely to potentially actually get routes. (Not trying to complain! Plotwise I think it'd be pretty hard to get an Amare route without it being AT LEAST once we're back in the underworld. Though even then, I don't think he'd be particularly interested. Alas...)

On a less simpy note, I quite enjoy the character interactions and MC is good. Maybe Fortis could shake a little less intensely? Kinda a lot and it'd be nice if it maybe slowed down a tad or something. Otherwise, a very nice experience and I look forward to seeing more!


Lucien really makes me feel things...

What kind of things? 


I think if I were to explain here I would be, as the kids say, down bad

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